The photos were taken mainly in Sutivan on island Brac. It was partly achieved in an improvised studio, and partly in the nature.
I was inspired and powered by a challenge that a female model can deliver – by their self-confidence, their ability to transform consciousness and personality in the way they want and when they want it.
The idea was born by an accident, during a photo session. The model asked me about a pose she should take, and I spontaneously told her: “Be seagull”. At that point her attitude and appearance reminded me of a seagull. Although the topic of this session was completely different subject, it got transformed during the project. As she swung her arms “Seagull Woman” was born. This was when I decided to continue in a similar way and I developed this project.
While looking at the face of a woman I plunge into the meaning of the expression of its spontaneous facial expressions. This association may be in accordance with something or someone I have already seen and they had found a place in my subconscious. Following this thought, I thought that the female character in its richness of possible associations can have a thousand faces. Some of these faces I “recognized” in my models, I discovered them within my own mind and I’ve given them the characteristics of my own thoughts.
Ime projekta: „One“
Fotografije su nastale uglavnom u Sutivanu na otoku Braču. Dijelom u improviziranom studiju, a dijelom u prirodi.
Inspirirale su me žene kao izazov. Njihovo samopouzdanje, mogućnost transformacije svijesti i ličnosti, na način kako to one žele i kada žele.
Ideja je nastala slučajno tijekom jednog fotografiranja. Model me upitao što želim, koju pozu da zauzme, a ja sam joj sasvim spontano rekla „budi galeb“. Zbog toga što me u tom trenutku njen stav i izgled asocirao na galeba. Iako je tema tog snimanja bila potpuno druge tematike. Ona je zamahnula rukama i tako je nastala fotografija „Žena Galeb“. Tada sam odlučila nastaviti i razradila sam projekt.
Gledajući lice žene, uronim u smisao izraza njihove spontane mimike. Ta asocijacija može biti u skladu s nečim ili nekim što sam već ranije vidjela i što je našlo mjesto u mojoj podsvijesti. Slijedeći tu misao došla sam do toga da ženski lik u bogatstvu mogućih asocijacija može imati tisuću lica. Neka od tih lica sam kod svojih modela „prepoznala“, tj. osvijestila u sebi i dala im karakteristike vlastitih misli.